Archive | June 2015

Musicians Portraits

Musicians portraits are fun. However, be aware they might  have limited money to spend on professional images. But don’t worry this is a perfect opportunity to be creative, get some portfolio images and get some group shots. Plus they are easy to deal with. Typically, they will do just about anything for a group shot. All but one of these musician portraits were taken on location. I like location photoshoots because environment plays a big part with the overall composition.

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Zoo Life

Zoo life is a captivating way to get some cool images. Be sure to have a long lens handy. Might as well have a short one too, won’t hurt. Be aware of the zoo staff because they will be asking you who you are…..what you are doing. The zoo just wants to make sure you will not be selling your images of the animals. But once you have assured them no such thing will happen start shooting fast. The animals are most active in the morning. And at noon time they head for the shade and a nap.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to take another photography buddy with you to the zoo. It’s more fun when you have someone to else along for the ride.

Zoo life photography is an easy way to get some great images. Plus, it’s fun!

Go to the zoo and get some animal images.

Abstract Black and Whites

Abstract Black and White images!

Here are a couple of new abstract black and white images.  One is an interior and the other is an exterior. Just a brief post to demonstrate not all post have to be lengthy or too involved. i will post short ones and longer ones.

Grab your camera and search for abstract objects. Have fun!

42-Megapixel Camera

Sony’s new 42-megapixel full-frame sensor. Follow this link to read about the Sony A7R II and to learn more about this cool sensor.

The Hot Shoe Diaries

The Hot Shoe Diaries is an online digital publication that demonstrates the powerful and effective uses for TTL’s by photographer Joe McNally. This publication, as they say, is not a manual. Ok, that’s great! But it sure comes across like a manual. Each chapter, addresses an aspect of the techniques. To start off with, the equipment used is discussed and laid out very neatly. After that introduction, light is talked about extensively. However technical this may seem it is great information.578903_418451054871841_377305005_n And yes there is mention of a camera. And basic functions that you should understand. Flash concepts have to be mention because this is about light. The most accurate way to describe the use of light is how to bend it to your will. Oh, and don’t forget to apply the rules and most important once you know and understand the rules it’s time to break them. The magazine does do a great job at explaining lighting situations like how to light fences, or lighting in an arena, and how to incorporate natural light.

Follow the link to view the online publication.

the Hot Shoe DiariesAlso, visit Joe McNally’s website.

The image in this post is a long exposure, Spinning steal wool. There was no flash involved with this image.

Hot Shoe Diaries is a great publication. Take some time to thumb though because there is a lot of useful information.

Grab your camera, TTL and have fun!


Here are some portraits I like-but didn’t make it into my portfolio. They were all fun! All but one involved studio lights. Can you guess which one was not taken with studio lights?

One aspect that I enjoy is adding the element of the environment into my work.  This sometimes takes more effort to find a unique spot to do a shoot. Sometimes I have to ask for permission to do a photoshoot. Other times I just go for it and explain myself later.

Finding a good subject to photograph is a challenge.

Try photographing your subject with a TTL. You can get some great results if you can fire the flash from another spot besides on your hot-shoe

Joe McNally does some great things with a TTL. Visit his site at Joe McNally Photography